Sunday, September 26, 2010

Buy it Used

So yesterday I was a little caught up in the car trouble that I didn't post about my one little victory. We did hit up some yard sales. I am sure everyone has been to a yard sale before but since this is my blog about cutting back I thought I would report my findings. It wasn't fabulous but it was something. We spent 6.50. I think we did alright.

We got:
Thanksgiving hotpad and dish towel (we don't have any Thanksgiving decor and at least it is useful decor, it will help make it feel a little more like Thanksgiving)
A notepad that I am going to decorate for Hannah (since she is an artist at heart)
An ornament that Hannah insisted on leaving the yard sale with that will now be her ornament for the year (we get her an ornament and us an ornament each year at Christmas)
tea candles for our jack o lanterns (the plus side is that they are scented so I can use them to frangrance our house as well.

A huge box of books, not that I need more books in our house but it was such a good deal and we can gift a lot of them (please don't hate me for giving you a used book as a gift, just think of it as saving the planet by reducing and reusing) and some of the books will go to family members that could use them and what is left we will donate to our super library for their book sale to raise money to keep the library open (seems only fair since we are saving so much by using their services).

We also got a puzzle for rhymes, which I can use for teaching and preschool.
a pair of shorts for my sister's son
a fancy full lenght mirror that I plan on painting to match my room.

So some of it we may not have needed but for only 6.50 I can't complain. So the idea of the day, look for used items, search the yard sales, you may hit a lot of duds and one really awesome sale that makes it worth it. Check out the thrift stores, goodwill, salvation army. They may have a great find that makes it totally worth it.


  1. One thing we discovered since R's birthday is Oct 22 is that left over birthday candles stubs work great for jack-o-lanterns and are pretty much self extinguishing!
