Friday, September 24, 2010

To buy or Not to buy

One thing that I think everyone deals with is deciding what is a necessity and what is a want.

Quote: "Sometimes we can not distinguish the difference between essential and nonessential. We want an iPod, we yearn for it. Thoughts about that wonderful iPod comsume our life for several days. So we go and buy the first iPod we see. It satisfies us for about a week then we put it aside. Our yearnings change. We want something else."

Think about your purchases. When you pick up an item hold it for 30 seconds before putting it in your basket so you have some time to think if you really need it. For large purchases like a car, boat, etc. wait 30 days. If you still want that item it is probably not going to be an impulse buy.

I have to do this constantly now, a lot more than before. I tend to think about things for a long time then buy it and have buyer's regret. This is especially true with strollers. Don't ask me how many strollers I have owned and returned. I have started to walk away more from items and in the course of a few days I can't remember what it was that I wanted so badly. So try rethinking your purchases. Walk out of the store without that item and return later, even if it is the next day, if it is something you absolutely must have. Try it and let me know how it went. Or just share something you were able to walk away from.

Another thing you could do is write a list of things you purchase and categorize them as essential or non essential. Even if you cut back on half of the nonessential things it will add up.

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