Friday, October 1, 2010

Month End Report

We calculated all of our spending for the month of September and this is what we found.... we failed miserably.

I had hoped that the car issue wouldn't put us over too much but it did. But it wasn't just that, it was a lot more. I think the biggest problem with the month is that we didn't start the month on the half price challenge. I paid tuition for an on line class, we had to buy things for our new house, we ate out a lot when we first moved here because we didn't have our kitchen set up or food in the fridge right away. We were still spending on moving expenses. So I guess the last part of the month was good for us to save so that we didn't spend more than we did.

With this though we redid our buget and reviewed previous months. It turns out that since January of this year we have been spending under our income until August. So I can feel good about that. August and September were just off months. Hopefully this next month can be full of savings and we can be on our way to spending half of what we normally do. Maybe it will take us until December to do it but I am going to keep trying. Thanks for reading.

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