Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cash and Carry

So another idea is to carry cash and nothing else, that way you give yourself a limit and don't spend anything above that because you can't. So today I went to the farmer's market with just cash. We were out of just about everything so I knew it would need to be a big shopping trip. I gave myself $60, which is less than a big trip to the grochery store in our house. It may seem like a lot but we actually ended up with a ton of food. I love going to the farmer's market because everything is so fresh and local. Shopping at the farmer's market supports local farms which in a small way is improving the local economy. It also usually has less pesticides if any at all. Most farmers at this market practice sustainable farming. I really tried to think about what would give me the most for my money since I only had so much. So here is what we got:

2 lbs. greenbeans, 5 tomatoes, 1 cantaloupe, 2 garlic bulbs, 1 pound of mushrooms, 1/2 lb of shitake, cheese, 2 dozen eggs, 7 ears of corn, 5 apples, 1 head of cauliflower, 2 lbs raspberries, 6 bell peppers, 4 zucchini, 1 onion, 1 eggplant, 1 lb of grapes, 2 big pumpkins, and 2 small pumpkins.

Most things were cheaper than the grochery store, some were more (like the free range eggs) but I felt like I brought home a good amount for what I spent. And I didn't go over, I actually was under a couple dollars. My total for today is added to what I have spent so far, and when I reach the end of the money, that is it. I can't spend more, and I will have to get creative on meals if I have spent the limit before the month is ended.

The thing about food is that you have to have a plan for it or it will be wasted, which means you are throwing away money. Here is my plan for the food: The green peppers were much cheaper than what we pay at the grocery store so I bought a lot and plan on chopping them and freezing them for the future, same with the onion and green beans. The mushrooms we use to make veggie burgers, they were a lot cheaper than the store so I bought a lot so I can make the veggie burgers and freeze them. That means I have some on hand any time I need them. I have recipes I all planned out for the cauliflower, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant, and we have already cooked some of the corn. Yum. The pumpkins I got will act as a decoration until Halloween, I just got it early because I am super excited about it and it was cheaper than the Walmart ones. One of the pumpkins is specifically for making pumpkin pie, so I am using it for decoration and to eat. So when you shop (not just for food), take cash. When you cook, use up all your food.

Quote: " Some families have found that the best way to stick to their budget is to take cash to the store. Leave the checkbook and the credit card at home. You will stick to the budget because you have to."

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