Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

So I have to say today has been very long and exciting. It started at 4 this morning when I got up to hit up a few of the sales. We wanted to get two main things, a laptop and if the price was right, a blue ray player. Well, it was a pretty lucky day and we ended up getting both things. It was actually really calm, and organized this year. There were lines but they went fast and there were lots of the items that were advertised still there when I got there. I was pretty happy about it. I did end up with a few extra things but all in all I feel like I did ok, and I did not buy a single toy for my daughter (Well, ok, one toy from a second hand store for 1/6th the price for a new one and I have been planning on buying one anyways). We did spend ALOT of money but I guess when you are buying a laptop and blue ray it isn't exactly cheap.

So I know we wanted to do homemade Christmas this year but we are learning that sometimes, homemade is more expensive. We are both getting used, half price, or made things for Christmas which I think is good. And we will have home made things, just not only homemade. I decided to just make sure we fit within our Christmas budget this year, and we have been doing pretty well. One thing I think I have had to come to terms with is that I probably won't be getting my daugther a play kitchen. I have searched for months for the perfect kitchen. I finally found it but if we got it we would have very little left in our Chirstmas budget. So as hard as it is for me to set it aside for now, I think I am going to wait on it. I have found several other little things that she can open and I know she will LOVE. Most of the things she is getting will be used, the rest is things I bought either last year at the black friday sale or through out the year on great sales. Sometimes it is hard for me to let go of something I have in mind, but I know she really doesn't care if she gets a new kitchen for Christmas or not, so I am trying.

One thing that made today great was that when we got home from all the shopping we had a check in the mail from when we moved (we got an insentive payment for moving ourselves instead of using professional movers). The check covered everything we spent today plus some to save. That was a really nice surprise.

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